Swimspas Aquavia
Duo Swimspa
Collection Swimspa
The latest Swimspa is called Duo: two completely separate areas, to allow some of you to enjoy the “swim” version while others enjoy the “hot tub” version; in other words, to allow sporting activity and total relaxation in one place, counter-current swimming or aqua fitness side by side with hydromassages. Have a swim or relax.
The Swimspa Duo is designed so that the water in each different section has its own temperature, because physical exercise may require a far lower temperature than hydromassage. So, while one of you is having an uninterrupted swim thanks to the 5 counter-current swimming jets, the rest of your family or friends can receive an incredible stress-relieving or lipo active massage in the ergonomic seats or the comfortable lounger (all with headrests) in the hydrotherapy area.
Technical data sheet
General specifications
- Hot tub dimensions (cm): 575x 230 x 138
- Number of hot tub positions (sitting / laying back / vertical): 3 (2 / 1 / 1)
- Hot tub volume of water (litres): 1.000 + 6.000
- Weight of the hot tub: (empty/full): 1.500 / 8.500 Kg
- Hot tub massage pump: 2.200W / 3CV + 3 x 2.200 W / 3 CV
- Hot tub filtration pump: 250W + 250 W
- Hot tub electric heating: 3.000 W
- Power required: Low Amp (W) / (A) up to 230 V: 3.280 W / 14.3 A + 7.000 W / 30,4 A
- Hot tub voltage: 230 V / 400 V III
- Hot tub number of jets: 35 + 16
- Hot tub with headrest: 3
- Hot tub with digital control panel: 2 Balboa System Control Panel + 1 Aux
- Ultraviolet Treatment UV: Yes
- Hot tub with galvanised metal frame: Yes
- Energy Saving Cover: Yes
- Colour Sense: 1 LED lit accessories + 5 LED + lit accessories
- Jets/Boquillas Inoxidable: Yes
- Hot tub with filter: 3 x Cartridge
- Hot tub waterfalls: 1
- Swimming and fitness kit for Swimspa or swimming pool: Optional
- Rowing kit for Swimspa Fitness: Optional
- Hot tub shell colours: White, Blue Marble, Sterling
- Type of exterior cabinet finish: Synthetic Grey
- Surround Bluetooth Audio: Optional
- Programmable Wi-Fi Touch Panel: Optional
- EcoSpa Hot tub with ECOSpa double thermal insulation: Optional
- Hot tub without Cabinet: Optional
For people who enjoy sport and relaxing
When doing sports, it is just as important to rest as it is to train, stretch as it is to run, relax as it is to tone up. As a result of what we have learnt from our customers, we have created the Swimspa Duo, with its wealth of possibilities and high flexibility, and with such compact dimensions that it can fit almost anywhere, indoors or outdoors.
In addition to the 35 massage points with 3 positions in its hydromassage section, arranged differently between the lounger and the two seats, there are 12 points grouped together in a vertical massage position in the swimming pool. This separate area, which is easy to access thanks to its interior steps, also allows you to take part in various aqua fitness disciplines, from simple counter-current walking to exercises using a complete range of our accessories (including an aquabike).
Whether exercising or not, the Duo comes with the Colour Sense chromotherapy device, with a total of 6 underwater LED spotlights and with the accessories lit up, either in a single colour chosen by the customer, or with multi-colour sequences that fill the atmosphere and make the moment truly magical. Talking of atmospheres, it is worth highlighting the option of including the Surround Bluetooth Audio system: surround sound just like in the cinema, with a subwoofer with bass resonance, and all controlled via Bluetooth by your mobile device.
And from what you see or hear, to what you simply perceive: the Swimspa Duo comes with Aquavia Spa’s exclusive features, which significantly improve the experience and ensure the long life of this exclusive equipment: water disinfection using an ultraviolet light (UV); Metal Frame chassis by Aquavia Spa with non-deforming, anti-corrosive and highly durable properties; and the EcoSpa option, the thermal insulation system that guarantees energy savings of 69% when maintaining the water at 38ºC, even outdoors and in extremely cold temperatures.
The Swimspa Duo is perfect for your garden, for your porch, for a large balcony or inside your home. Even if you change your mind: the advantage of its portability is that nothing has to be forever. Nothing apart from the satisfaction of a perfect purchase.

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