Collection Premium Spa
The Premium range of hot tubs offers the bonus that some users always seek: better finishes, more features and the total quality of Aquavia Spa. The models in this family offer very high levels of performance and enhanced therapeutic properties, all combined in a modern and understated style. In all the hot tubs, each position has been strategically configured and each jet and each air injector carefully designed so that, in a complementary fashion, they offer a complete hydromassage circuit for any requirement. The Premium collection is designed for those who are looking for more than functionality and efficiency.

Также оказываем услуги проектирования и строительство павильйонов и домиков
для СПА-бассейнов, кроме того проектируем и строим СПА центры.
С нами, Вам, откроется возможность выгодно приобрести не только первоклассный SPA-бассейн и сервис, но и специализированные архитектурные, дизайнерские и строительные услуги мирового класса за разумный бюджет.
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